
Somebody knocking at my door
Somebody knocking at my door

somebody knocking at my door

They consist of a sensor and a remote alarm. With their coupon, you can get them for $10.00. We used the Bunker Hill Security “Wireless Security Alert System” purchased from Harbor Freight. We have numerous motion sensors with remote alarms around the property and in some of the outbuildings. An outside bell tied to property sensors may be my spring project. I discourage self-invites as well but have been surprised a few times when working in the garden or shop. 41% of robberies involved firearms and 7.8% included knives or other cutting devices”. “The DOJ reported the use of weapons in a majority of robberies. “According to the FBI, you can expect 1 in every 36 homes to be robbed.” Burglars know this and use it to their advantage.” Many homes are empty during this time while people are at work. “Surprisingly, most burglaries occur between 10 AM and 3PM. 27% of them became victim of a violent crime” “The DOJ reported 1 million burglaries occurred with people in the home. SEVEN HOMES A MINUTE, and we wonder what the hell is wrong with people now-a-days…… Here is a fun stat for ya “3.7 million homes are broken into each year. Good luck, stay safe.ĭo NOT let people into your home that you would not trust your life with.ĭelivery personal, Repair-Men, Sales People, (even neighbors) or anyone you do not know WILL look around your home looking at all they can see, and even in places you don’t want them.Ĭrooks, aka dishonest people, are everywhere, Home burglaries are ramped, and so are home invasions. Also perhaps you can sit at your door and as the person knocks you can set the alarm off this may deter them. This may not stop the knocking but it will give you some confidence about your safety. Sometimes they have a flashing red light if you get that type cover the light with tape so the intruder cannot detect where the sound is coming from. When you realise, or you are confronted by an intruder you just have to knock over, or throw a glass object and when it breaks and sounds the alarm your intruder will not stay he does not want to be caught. When fitted if your constant knocker ever decides to break in or you awake to hear an intruder, have a vase or glass jug close to you or in several places around your home. About the noise of a jumbo jet racing down the runway. It is called a glass break alarm and can sound at 120 decibels which is very loud. About the size of a smoke detector and can be wired or battery operated. I have an idea that has worked before, it is not expensive. He’s calling out your name.Just read this, I sympathise with you, you must be feeling very worried and I do not blame you. This morning Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart once again. When you open His Word He’ll feed you the Bread of Life, so you’ll never be hungry again (John 6:35). When you answer His call He’ll “…show you great and mighty things, which you do not know (Jer. He wants to give you peace like you’ve never known (John 14:27). Think about it! More often than not the phone call we’ve so eagerly answered is someone trying to sell us something the email is just another cat video from Cousin Bob and the knock at the door is that annoying neighbor who’s always borrowing a cup of sugar.īut when Jesus knocks He’s not trying to sell something. If we get this excited about answering the phone, opening the door, or clicking on email, why is it we so often ignore the soft knock of the Savior on the door of our hearts? Why do we leave Him standing in the cold, while we surf the net or watch the tube? Or what about when your computer announces, “You’ve got mail!”? Most of us can’t resist clicking that mouse to see who’s reaching out to us today. How about when someone knocks at the door? Do you just go about your business, ignoring the annoying sound, wishing whoever it is would just go away? No, you rush to the door and open it wide, eager to see who has come to visit.

somebody knocking at my door

How many of us, when the phone rings, ignore it? No, we drop everything and scramble to get to it before the answering machine picks up.

Somebody knocking at my door